• E-Commerce: Its Development and Future Perspectives

     Aug 17th, 2017  mike

    E-Commerce: Its Development and Future Perspectives

    E-commerce refers to the exemplification of issues in the society that avail an equal opportunity to people to realize their goals. It does not give bias a chance in all realms of the society. There have always been outcries in line with gender inequality, with women being the main culprits. Immanuel Kant’s renowned deontological theory always takes a toll on issues that affect the organization.content editing services A good example is business and its improper magnificence gauges, which touches on the ethical issue of gender inequality. It also works on men’s sexual mistreatment and mastery of women as a result of this shameless practice (Junior, 2007).

    In the tenth century, E-commerce came up as a “standard” rehearse that every person had a calling to undertake in order to be realistic. Disfigured feet were “delightful”, but were at the end discovered to be morally risky. The practice inflicted a lot of pain on women, hence sounding immoral. Men were also permitted to physically and mentally corrupt and rule women. Kant’s deontological morals take one’s will or aim to be ethically significant. He postulated that people have two types of goals: theoretical and unmitigated objectives. Theoretical is indecent since activities are to ascertain it.

    Kant can effectively distinguish three reasons why beauty standards might emerge as wrong. Kant can also identify why the activities to accomplishing beauty standards are not moral. One can investigate Kant’s perspective of beauty standards through unmitigated basic as an establishment (Junior, 2007). Since aims are ethically pertinent for him, it is vital for one to understand the plans to why one acted to accomplishing these specific beauty standards. One may also want to know why the standards came up. Kant’s hypothesis represents issues of Chinese foot binding. His hypothesis also represents the beauty standards.

    Kant does not consider the outcomes so only the propositions matter here. Second, the activity of misshaping or improving has occurred for the sole purpose of attaining a specific objective (Junior, 2007). The objective is to attract or please men and to meet men’s beauty standards. The practices carried out by women are acknowledged as a theoretical basis. Theoretical basis is an indecent basic because the activity is accomplished for one’s particular purpose. It is essential to note that this practice was influenced by the society (Junior, 2007). It is the society that includes both men and women. This action was physically and voluntarily carried out by women. There was a wrong plan in women because they planned to meet beauty standards. These are the beauty standards that men in order to attract men. These women could have enhanced themselves so as to satisfy their desires. However, the history demonstrates that in the Chinese patriarchal in the tenth century, the society comprising of men and women were compelling other women to tie their feet to find a great spouse. They were also supposed to look more sexually so that to attract men (Kant, 2010).

    One may decide not to see the beauty standards exclusively as an issue of sex bias. One may also fail to see the singularly censuring men for their production of twisted beauty standards in line with sexual persecution and strength. It is more critical to examine the issue of beauty standards at different angles (Kant, 2010). One should consider the particular points of interest. He or she need to vindicate the matter through Kant’s deontological morals.

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