• New TiVo Premiere DVR

     Mar 28th, 2010  mike

    A new TiVo Premiere DVR is ready to be shipped to your house today -
    available with 320GB  (TiVo Premiere $299) and 1TB (TiVo Premiere XL  $499).
    Brand new redesigned HD interface, Picture-in-menu and access to the world’s
    largest on-demand video stores such as Netflix , Blockbuster On Demand,
    YouTube and Amazon Videos will make all new TiVo owners very happy with a
    final product.  Premiere XL is also THX certified for premium audio and
    digital quality.  Schedule recordings online or with your mobile phone with
    an option to transfer your favorite shows to a laptop, an iPod or iPhone, a
    PSP, or other compatible device and take them with you.   Are you ready for
    TiVo Premiere? Please visit Tivo.com for order information and enjoy your
    new TiVo 4 in just a few days.

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